Ingeokring’s 2014 Engineering-Geological Excursion to the Eifel

The Ingeokring’s 2014 Engineering Geological Excursion to the Eifel counts as a Continuous Personal Development activity. The excursion starts on April the 5ht and ends on April the 6th (2014). At the end of the excursion you will get a personal certifcate clarifying that you have learned to use geological maps and to classify sedimentary and metamorphic rocks and that you have practiced these activities in the field in Northern Eifel (Germany).

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Symposium Ingeokring this year organized in cooperation with the section Geotechnics of the Dutch Royal Institute of Engineers (KIVI)

Dear member of the Ingeokring or member of the section Geotechnics (KIVI)

At Thursday the 21st of November, the Ingeokring will organize together with KIVI section Geotechniek the annual symposium called:

Geotechnical Engineering on a Geological Foundation
Unforeseen ground conditions or not?

This symposium offers you interesting presentations about topics concerning both geology and geotechnical engineering, and offers an excellent opportunity to meet other geo-engineers. The symposium will be held at Delft University of Technology, from 13:30 to 17:30 at Room F.

The invited speakers are:

  • Prof. Dr. Christian Schroeder (Université Libre de Bruxelles)
  • Dr. Ulrich Polom (Leibniz-Institut für Angewandte Geophysik, Hannover)
  • Marc Van Den Broeck (Department Manager RMPE, DEME, Belgium)
  • Arjan Venmans (Deltares)
  • Joost van der Schrier (Royal HaskoningDHV (Director Advisory Group), Chairman Ingeokring)

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Ingeokring excursie 25 oktober 2013 dit jaar in Nijmegen !

Graag nodigen wij u uit voor de jaarlijkse Ingeokring-excursie. Dit jaar bezoeken we het rivierengebied rondom Nijmegen. De excursie staat geheel in het kader van het project Ruimte voor de Waal, een bochtafsnijding in de rivier de Waal. Door een te graven nevengeul wordt ‘een flessenhals in de rivier’ weggenomen en ontstaat een betere rivierafvoer.

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KNGMG Centennial Symposium “Earth Resources, The Next 100 Years”

The parent organization of Ingeokring, KNGMG, will in cooperation with EAGE (European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers), celebrate its 100-year anniversary with a one-day symposium titled “Earth Resources, The Next 100 Years”. The symposium will be held on March 16, 2012 in the Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen (Royal Tropical Institute) in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

KNGMG-Eeuwfeest.pdf (2158 downloads )


Ingeokring Symposium Engineering in Exotic Environments (28 September 2012)

On Friday afternoon 28 September 2012, Ingeokring will organise a symposium at TU Delft. The title of the symposium will be Engineering in Exotic Environments. The symposium will be held from 13:45 to 18:00 hrs in room 1.98 of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences of TU Delft.

Attending the symposium is free of charge, drinks afterwards are included.

More information can be found:

Ingeokring-symposium-2012.pdf (1263 downloads )

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