Coming soon – The 14 November Autumn Ingeokring Symposium – Mark your calendar!

The popular IngeoKring Autumn Symposium takes place on 14 November 2014 in the afternoon (14.00 hours) at the former Royal Arm Museum in Delft (Korte Geer 1). A number of invited speakers presents various subjects relating to Engineering Geology in Glacial Soils.

Following the old Symposium tradition: the entrance to the Ingeokring Autumn Symposium is free for members and non-members ! A great opportunity to discuss and interact with (other) experts about the backgrounds of Glacial Soils and their specific project challenges.

More information can be found:

Symposium_2014.pdf (1148 downloads )
The Symposium location at the Lange Geer 1 Delft (Left) – A very big stone hidden in a Glacial Soil (Right)
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