A new date, hopefully covid free, has been selected for Wim Verwaal’s farewell symposium co-organized by the Ingeokring and TU Delft.
When: 20th May 2022, 13:00 – 16:45 + Drinks *)
Where: TU Delft, Civil Engineering Building, Hall B
The Ingeokring Symposium 2021 has a very interesting program on the occasion of celebrating the retirement of Wim Verwaal after 40 years of excellent contribution to the education of Engineering Geology in the Netherlands and beyond.

The symposium will be followed by a food and drinks event from 16:45. Please see below the programme of the day
*) To facilitate our logistic, we would like that that you register to the event by sending an e-mail to Ingeokring secretariat (secretaris@ingeokring.nl) stating your choice of the following:
- Both symposium and food & drinks.
- Only the symposium.
13.00 Walk-in and coffee, Hall B entrance, 1st floor
13.30 Welcome and Introduction
Dominique Ngan-Tillard & John Adrichem
13.40 The Price’s Prize
Peter Verhoef
14.00 Testing for the Offshore (wind) industry
Gerrit de Vries
14.20 Testing for the mining industry
Robrecht Schmitz & Jaap van Duijn
14.40 Production of engineering geologists by ITC and TU Delft
Niek Rengers
15.00 Coffee break Hall B entrance, 1st floor
15.30 Education in the lab
Stefano Muraro and Dominique Ngan-Tillard
15.50 Testing more than soils and rocks
Wolfgang Gaag (wood)
Martin van der Ven (asphalt)
16.10 Speech by G&E lab colleagues
Karel Heller, Cristina Caveropanez and Ellen Meijvogel-de Koning
16.20 Wim’s talk
16:30 Closure
Siefko Slob
16.45 Food and Drinks event at the faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences
Opening of the reception by Timo Heimovaara
Hoping to seeing you all on 20-05-2022!
With kind regards,
The board of the Ingeokring.