Date | Friday, 13 September 2019 - Wednesday, 18 September 2019 |
Time | All day hr |
Costs | |
Organisation | ISRM |
Phone | |
Location | , |
Map | Map Unavailable |
Program | Dear fellow rock engineer, 2019 will be a special year for the ISRM South America National Groups when the region welcomes the ISRM family for its 14th Congress. Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay will be the host countries for the event that is to be held in Foz do Iguassu, city that marks the common border amongst these countries. It is an honor to organize such a venue but it is also a great responsibility to maintain the tradition of memorable ISRM congresses. The central theme of the Congress is Rock Mechanics for Natural Resources and Infrastructure Development, a theme much relevant and needed for the current stage of most of the countries. All ISRM regions are invited to share their experience in the theme. The technical programme is being established by an International Scientific Committee in order to attract different categories of geotechnical professionals as academics, consultants, contractors, public companies and should incorporate issues of ISRM Technical Commissions. On behalf of the Brazilian Rock Mechanics Committee, Argentinian Society of Geotechnical Engineering and Paraguayan Society of Geotechnics it is a great pleasure to announce the preparation for the 2019 ISRM International Congress and also to invite you to start getting ready to come and join us in Foz do Iguassu. Sergio Fontoura (General Chair)