Excursion to the RijnlandRoute in Leiden

DateFriday, 17 May 2019
Time14:00 - 17:00 hr
OrganisationIngeokring /Comol5 / Arthe C&S
MapMap Unavailable

On May 17th 2019, the Ingeokring organizes an excursion to the RijnlandRoute in Leiden. During this excursion, a presentation will given about the design of the tunnel and its cross passages. Moreover the TBM launch shaft will be visited as well.

For more information about the project, visit the contractors combination’s (Comol5) website (in Dutch).

If you are interested, send an e-mail to info@ingeokring.nl including your first and last name and phone number.

Please sign up quick, because maximum size of the group is only 15 persons!

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