Excursion Morsleben Salt Mine

DateSaturday, 7 October 2023 - Monday, 9 October 2023
TimeAll day hr
Costs230 - 300 EUS
MapMap Unavailable

Preliminary program:

  • Saturday 7 October 2023
    • Travel to the Quedlinburg-area (ca. 500km / 6 hrs)
    • Own transport (we will try to combine if desired)
    • Possibility for some interesting stop along the way (tbd)
    • Stay in hotel in Quedlinburg, diner
  • Sunday 8 October 2023
    • Visit to the Schaubergwerk Buchenberg (or other)
    • Visit a number of geological spots, a.o. Teufelsmauer
    • Touristic stop in Quedlinburg (if desired)
    • Return to hotel in Quedlinburg, diner + presentation Asse II
  • Monday 9 October 2023
    • Underground visit to Morsleben salt mine
    • Travel back home (after 14:30)

Further background information can be found here: https://www.einblicke.de/morsleben/

Please use the google form below to register: https://forms.gle/DDf7NpiaVVVe9Uak7
Please register before 1 July 2023!

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