EngGeo Get-together at Fugro

DateFriday, 29 September 2023
Time16:00 - 19:00 hr
OrganisationIngeokring & Ondergrondse
MapMap Unavailable

EngGeo Get-together at Fugro

Friday 29 September 2023

Time: 16:00-19:00 h

Location: Fugro, Prismastraat 4, Nootdorp
Please bring your PPE: hard hat and safety shoes

Please register for this event here: https://forms.gle/jT7Rm3m89QremLLf7

Several engineering geologists, geophysicists and geotechnical engineers working for Fugro will show and tell you all about what they are currently working on. This could be data acquisition, analysis, and engineering on projects such as the Dutch Offshore Wind Farm IJmuiden Ver and the Antwerpen Oosterweel Rail Link, but also developing new innovative tools and equipment. You will be offered an unique opportunity to see and experience first hand what they do at Fugro.


15.45-16.00: Walk-in
16.00-16.05: Welcome
16.05-16.25: SI for offshore wind farms in the Dutch Sector of the North Sea
16.25-16.50: RVO offshore wind farm “IJmuiden Ver”
16.50-17.30: Tour of the transducer dept. and mechanical workshop
17.30-17.45: Geodata acquisition by Magnetic Resonance
17.45-17.55: Innovation – thermal CPT’s
17.55-18.15: Oosterweel Link Antwerp
18.15-18.20: Closure
18.20-19.00: Drinks and snacks

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