Company logo on website

Ingeokring offers companies the possibility to place their logo on this website. Besides sponsoring through an advert in our Newsletter, this is an other possibility to bring your company under the attention of Ingeokring members and others interested in engineering geology. An example of website sponsoring can be found at the Sponsor-page of this website.

Costs attached to sponsoring the website through a logo or banner are 300 euro per year. For more information, please contact Ingeokring through the details listed in the contact section.

Autumn Ingeokring Symposium “Struggles and Fun of Engineering Geology”

The yearly Ingeokring symposium will be held this year at Monday September 26, 2011 at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences of TU Delft. The theme of the symposium will be “Struggles and Fun of Engineering Geology”. Five speakers are confirmed so far:

  • Bas Vos (Hydronamic bv/Royal Boskalis Westminster nv)
  • Robert Berkelaar (Van Hattum & Blankevoort)
  • Robert Hack (ITC)
  • Rodriaan Spruit (TU Delft/Gemeentewerken Rotterdam)
  • Sonja Karstens (Deltares)Besides interesting lectures from the speakers listed above, during this symposium the price for the best MSc thesis in Engineering Geology 2009-2010 will be awarded.

Look for the announcement of the symposium:

Symposium-2011_1stAnnouncement.pdf (2253 downloads )

New Publication: “Manual of Soil Laboratory Testing- Volume 2” (3rd Edition)

In May, Whittles Publishing will publish the Manual of Soil Laboratory Testing (Volume 2: Permeability, Shear Strength and Compressibility Tests) by K.H. Head and R. Epps. This is the second volume of a series of three and relates to Parts 1, 5 and 7 of BS 1377:1990, plus the California bearing ratio (CBR) test in Part 4.

Please lookfor the press release about the book:

Man_Soil_vol_II_PR.pdf (2286 downloads )

The book can be purchased through the website of Whittles Publishing.

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